Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I'd forgotten what a rich live I've led

I could get into this whole photo-theme thing. This week's theme is nature-- ranking only behind Architecture in "Awesome things I take pictures of." Like Mamie, I could spend all night uploading and not be finished. I'm forcing myself.

On the way into Amalfi, Italy.

Cinque Terre, Italy (I can't remember which of the five)


Sunset in Cinque Terre, Italy

Outside of Castelluccio, Italy

Sunset in Old Fort, NC

Garden in Huemoz, Switzerland
Sunrise in Kitty Hawk, NC.

Fog on the Alps in Huemoz, Switzerland.

Fog on the Sibilini in Casteluccio, Italy.

1 comment:

Mamie said...

Breathtaking photographs. I actually teared up. Great start on participating in the thematic photography.